A few years ago when Megan and I first moved to Paris we were startled by the drowning sounds of Air Raid Sirens. These sirens absolutely freaked us out, so we turned on the TV and started searching on the internet for current events.
We couldn’t find out anything at the time as there was really not much written about it back then. After a few minutes of looking we stumbled upon a little article which alerted us that there was nothing to worry about.
On the first Wednesday of every month the Paris Air Raid sirens are tested at 12oclock and again at 12:10PM. Each time they sound for approximately 40 seconds and for unsuspecting Paris newbies like us they have the ability to cause a sense of panic, if only for a moment.
The sounds of the sirens are haunting and it makes you think about the people who had to live in these kinds of conditions on a daily basis. Here is a video which records the sound we hear on the first Wednesday of every month.

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Thank you so much!! This just happened! With the history of terrorism here in Paris, it was a concerning alarm. Your article was the resource we needed when I looked at the calendar and clock to confirm it was in fact the first Wednesday at noon!!
Thank you!